Sunday, December 28, 2008
What is Love?
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The yoke weighs down,
The vibrant, multifaceted existence,
Burns us with its pressure,
The IS is painful,
The mind is a wrack of consuming,
Zooming through the notion of time,
And yet it’s dull.
The boredom is insidious,
Fleeting joy and unwept grief,
Sift through the mind and spark,
The dark is deafening and silent,
A raging undertow of non-being,
Nothing satisfies, nothing satiates.
There is a blanket of falsity,
An ephemeral wasteland of meaningless
-ness, IS-ness is not.
Lost. All is lost. Nothing in its proper place.
The pace ever-changing,
Hitting from all unexpected angles.
Life is the unexpected alchemy of chaos, change, and stagnant despair.
The question reigns, the question hides,
An unsolveable mystery in an insoluble dread.
Loud, the screams of dying dreams.
It seems as though a petty joke,
Wearing meaning’s mindless yoke,
And pulling on the reigns of hope,
To find them dangling – attached to nothing.
No love, no life, no death, no grief, no pain, no joy, no spark no fire.
No I or is, or being in the real.
But a picture of a delicious meal,
That taunts and teases, cannot feel,
Cannot taste, cannot heal,
The would created by itself,
The conditions of a conditioned self,
The reality of what is real.
A dull knife cannot cut to the marrow of existence,
To create a real expression,
To cause a real feeling.
It just gnaws away at fading flesh,
Revealing no sickness, providing nothing but a false sensation of sensation itself.
And in all the pseudo-pain and empty joy,
With all the gyrations of a discarded toy,
The Worm
It is gray and cold,
Angry and old,
It doesn’t hurt, not really,
Actually it’s kind of numb,
Tingling and dumb.
It gnaws on my soul each day,
Bartering passion for safe dying,
Comfort and buying.
It whispers ugly things behind me,
Twists me in slithery knots,
Connecting invisible dots.
It smells, like old decay,
Somewhat like moldy bread,
I think I might be dead.
It throbs and pulses, dully,
I think it feels like pain,
I ignore it again.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Self Portrait
A clear light, shining in darkness,
Swirling silence, echoing without media,
Timeless songs and heatless fire,
The circle and the star,
Holes in the firmament,
A cellophane dream punctured
By imaginary knives,
And everything shifts, morphs
Changes in form and substance
Into insubstantial wisps of fancy
And ennui.
Then storms, cacophonous and raging,
Thoughts like atoms smash together,
Vaporizing in ephemeral flashes of insight,
Without proper instrumentation,
Cannot be analyzed, merely imprinted,
On layered membranes of anxiety, loss, self-reprobation,
Processed with emulsion of dream, nostalgia,
Secret hopes and rescue fantasy,
Child-like wonder and grown-up hate,
Jumbled and calcified into the shape of a man
Friday, July 18, 2008
Hollow, with seeds.
Begging to be eaten.
Me (Lost and Lonely)
Land (Vast and scary)
Coal (Black and sooty)
Ia!!! (The night sky and its dark mistress beckons)
(Who the fuck are you?)
Fluttering black crows,
Screeching falsehood.
Claw Ya.
Tempting morsels,
Elegant flair,
Shredded, bloody meat.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Strange River
There is a strange river behind my village,
It curls and dapples around large rocks,
There are bends and twists unpredictable,
Walking along its bank.
I walked the river to the left,
Found myself among fools,
Then walked it to the right,
Found myself among pleasant folk,
Left this time,
Frothing, angry people, dashing against tree roots,
Scintillating, bubbling faces, laughing gaily,
Langorous, liquid and somber, writing elegies in mud,
Dancing gladly, dappled by rain, spinning whirls,
Busy, industrius, carving into rocks in angular patterns,
Bright, shining and sexy, young and rosy,
Dagger-hearted, self destroying swirls of vicious emnity.
I turned around and went back to the river mouth,
To start again and try the paths a different way,
But they never seemed to change.

Okay, I'm back. I actually ceased to exist for a bit. I broke into tiny little pieces, and have now reassembled myself with thumbtacks and bit-O-honey candies. I'm sure a piece will fall off now and again, and there are plenty of ouchy bits still milling around in here, but I am substantially here again.